WordPress plugin Update MQ ReLinks is a wordpress plugin which allows you to easy redirect all external links in posts, pages, comments, author and widget links, without passing link juice. In stead of a direct link to another site, the
Optimize WordPress for Performance

WordPress Optimization Guide WordPress is a well optimized system, and does a better job at allowing every single page to be indexed than every other CMS we have used. There are a few things you can do to make it
Validating emails with php
Sanitizing and validating email syntax $email = $_POST[’email’]; //getting the posted email //sanitizing the email using FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL //removes all illegal e-mail characters from a string $email=filter_var($email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); //validating the email using FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL //validates e-mail returning true if valid and false
Sending emails with php
Set up the variables: $to = “email@address.com”; //where the email will go $subject = “Our Subject”; //the subject $message = “The message to send”; //the message $from = “you@email.com”; //from email $header = “From: $from”; //header including the from email
Ternary Conditionals
I know most of you allready use them, but there are still people that don`t know about them, so to make the following tutorials easyer, I`ll do a small example. First of all you must know that all you will