Do you have a blog you run that is authored by multiple authors?If so, have you wondered how you can run a revenue sharing program so that everyone is equally compensated? Has the thought about coding a plugin given you the creeps? Well, no more. I have done all the hard work. Announcing AdSense Revenue Sharing, a free adsense revenue sharing plugin for wordpress.

AdSense Revenue Sharing is a wordpress plugin which allows you to easy display ads in your posts by using a quicktag and share your adsense impressions with your friends and co-authors.

To dispaly the ads you can either insert <!–adsense–> anywhere in your post or use the quicktag button.
For configuration go to Options>Revenue Sharing


  1. Download, unzip, copy adsense-revenue-sharing directory to your plugin folder.
  2. Go to your wordpress admin panel, click on Plugins and activate Adsense Revenue Sharing.
  3. Go to Options>Revenue Sharing and configure the plugin.
    1. Top left is a default publisher id. Delete it or modify it with your own.
    2. Add other publisher codes from your co-authors if available.
    3. Edit the adsense ad setting (border, color etc); do not fill the ad channel if you added more than one publisher id.
    4. Select yes or no for the All pages option.
  4. Click Update AdSense Settings.

How it works:

There are two ways you can use this plugin.

  1. You can use the quicktag and insert an ad wherever you want in your post.
  2. Second, you can use the All pages setting.

By choosing number 2 one add will appear at the end of every single post and page.

By using either one of the above, on the pages that have more than one post like main page or the archive page, only the first post on the page will display one ad. Google only lets you display 3 ads at a time so it`s better t show one ad than to show 3 ads and 4 to 7 empty spaces.

Using two or more authors at once, everyone will get equal ad exposure. So if there are 2 authors, each of then will get 50%. For 4 authors the percentage will be 25% for each and so on. Every time the page loads a different author id will be used to display the ad/ads. Remember due to google only one publisher id is allowed to be used on a page. So if you want to add other ads in your design read the google TOS first, you will have to disable the plugin or use only one publisher id with it.

Remember if you have 2 or more publishers, the one with less hits will be displayed.

EX.: 5 publishers, someone visits the website and the id from no.1 is shown; for the next 4 visits no.1 will not be shown, meaning that the other 4 will be, randomly; now the hit count is equal again and the pub. no.1 will be shown again; every id will be shown once every 5 hits.

If you want to add another authors publisher id and you already have one or more, either reset the other publishers hit count, or insert and equal number with the current hit count of the existing ones to the newly added. If you don`t, the next thing will happen:

Ex.: you have 8 publishers and each of them has 1000 hits; you add another one with 0 hits. If you don`t reset the hit count for the other 8 or insert 1000 as the new publishers hit value, ads with his id will show up until he reaches 1000 hits.

  • Nice admin area with live ad preview
  • Add as many co-authors as you desire
  • Simple add/edit/delete/reset co-authors
  • Fast insert your ads in you posts and pages
  • “Show all” feature to insert one ad at the end of every post


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  • WordPress: 2.3 or higher

Compatible up to:

  • WordPress: 2.5.1

Release info:

  • Date: October 16th, 2007
  • Version: 1.0
  • Date: October 24th, 2007
  • Version: 1.1
  • Date: April 23rd, 2008
  • Version: 1.2



  1. Unzip the downloaded package and upload the AdSense Revenue Sharing folder into your WordPress plugins folder
  2. Log into your WordPress admin panel
  3. Go to Plugins and “Activate” the plugin. “Revenue Sharing” will now be displayed in your Options section
  4. Set up as many AdSense Account ID`s under Options -> Revenue Sharing
  5. Edit your Ad options under under Options -> Revenue Sharing

Features in version 1.1

  1. Fixed add hit count
  2. Fixed ad preview
    • Once you click outside the field you edited the preview will be updated. Once you save it, it will show the new data.
  3. Fixed multiple post page display
    • Pages that show more than one post like main page, archive page, search page will only display ads in the latest
      post added on the certain page (first post on page)
  4. Added smart ad count
    • If you accidentally enter more than 3 quicktags in a post it ignores them and ads one ad at the end of the post.
      Same thing happens on multiple post pages.
  5. Added new option ->Show all
    • If you enable this option all the quicktags you added will be ignored and one ad will be placed at the end of every
      post/page. When you disable this options ads will be shown again only in posts that have a quicktag.

New in version 1.2

  1. Fixed it to work with wp 2.5
  2. Added new option ->Position
    • You can now choose where to place the ad when the “Show all”  function is on.
      I.E: top, bottom, top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right

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